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Wilhelm-Auerswald-Prize 2009 awarded to Dr. Karina Wegleiter

This year Dr. Karina Wegleiter is the award recipient of the the Wilhelm-Auerswald-Prize (first prize and the award for the best written work). The prize is donated yearly by the sanofi-aventis GmbH for the best doctoral thesis in human medicine in Austria.
On 17th of June 2009 the Wilhelm-Auerswald-Prize was awarded for the best doctoral thesis written at a Medical University in Austria in 2008. The laureate is ascertained by a jury in cooperation with the society of Doctor’s association of Vienna, chair Prof. Dr. H. Sinzinger. Priced is the overall dissertation, the best written work and the best oral recitation.

This year the first prize and the prize for the best written work were awarded to Karina Wegleiter. In her thesis she was evaluating the neuroregenerative effect of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), stem cell factor (SCF) and flt3 ligand (FL) in the neonatal brain after hypoxic-ischemic injury. Therefore K. Wegleiter established the hypoxic-ischemic brain injury animal model (Rice and Vannucci, 1981) in the laboratory of neonatal neuroscience. Thus she was concentrating on the effect of stem cell mobilisation on histological, immunohistochemical and functional long term outcome (neuromotor function, activity, cognition). An explicit effect could not be shown; nevertheless results imply enhanced cell proliferation in brain areas responsible for memory and learning. Further studies in a moderate injury model mainly concentrating on underlying mechanisms are being accomplished. 
Karina Wegleiter has been working in the Neonatal Neuroscience group since 2006. After her graduation in human medicine in 2008 she received a scientific scholarship from the Medical University Innsbruck. Currently she is continuing her studies on G-CSF/SCF and FL and is working on the effect of Dextromethorphan (DM) in neonatal brain damage. She is well trained in animal experimentation including behavioural tests, immuno-histochemical analysis and molecular analysis ( qPCR). K. Wegleiter is a highly motivated coworker with extraordinary interest in neonatal neuroscience and neonatology.
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