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Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds 2011

 (c) MUI
The "Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds - TWF" awards Elke Griesmaier a grant for her work on new strategies for neonatal brain protection.

The TWF grant was given to eight research projects of the Medical University Innsbruck on the 20th of December 2011. One of those granted was the project of Elke Griesmaier, M.D. working on the field of neonatal neuroscience in Innsbruck. This research fonds aims to support young investigators in Tyrol and was invented by the land of Tyrol several years ago.

Elke Griesmaier, Universitätsklinik für Pädiatrie II, Evaluation von Levetiracetam als Therapiestrategie der neonatalen Hirnschädigung nach perinataler Asphyxie

Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds

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