Neonatal Research
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Neonatal Research group Innsbruck

 (c) Elke
The neonatal research group is located at Innsbruck Medical University and focuses on different research aspects in neonatology. One main topic is the neonatal brain.
The first year of life is beyond question the most dynamic phase of brain development in life. Several factors might interfere with normal brain development with lifelong consequences.

With our work we now combine experimental and clinical research to develop protective strategies against newborn brain injury and to monitor and evaluate newborn brain development after birth.

Please find more information on our homepage about current research projects and feel free to contact us.

Our Mission Statement

Research committed to protect the newborn brain. 
Fortunately more and more preterm born infants survive their early start in life. This has been possible due to improvement in neonatal care and therapy, thus increasing survival of these infants.
Research to protect the newborn brain is one of the greatest challenges in paediatrics.

Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | infoA monkey for Site powered by Contwise content management system. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional