Neonatal Research
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Good Research is always a matter of good teamwork

The Neonatal research group Innsbruck (Department of Paediatrics II, Neonatology, Medical University Innsbruck) is led by Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Elke Griesmaier, PhD and Dr. Anna Posod.
Our group focuses on different aspects of neonatal reserach. One main topic is the preterm brain. We aim to protect the developing preterm brain and to establish potential neurprotective therapies.
We also focus on the discovery of early biomarkers for perinatal brain injury and to predict later outcome.
The Neonatal research group Innsbruck (Department of Paediatrics II, Neonatology, Medical University Innsbruck) is leaded by Assoc. Prof. PD Dr. Elke Griesmaier, PhD and Dr. Anna Posod.
Our group is part of the Department of Pediatrics II, Neonatology, Innsbruck Medical University (director: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer) and focuses on different aspects of neonatal reserach.
One main topic is the preterm brain. We aim to protect the developing preterm brain and to establish potential neurprotective therapies.
We also focus on the discovery of early biomarkers for perinatal brain injury and to predict later outcome.

If you want to know more about the neonatal research group, follow the different categories on this page.
If you want to become a member or have any questions regarding our work, do not hesitate to contact us.
Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | infoA monkey for Site powered by Contwise content management system. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional